Monday, January 25, 2010

So Much Catching Up To Do!

It's been about two weeks since my last post, and that's because believe it or not, I've been crazy busy, even without having started my classes or internship.

I spent the last couple weeks getting accustomed to London, and it's been fantastic. I finally know how to use the tube, which is a good feeling! There's too much to talk about in just one blog entry, so in order to avoid a ridiculous amount of potential rambling, I've composed a list of some highlights :)

1. Registered for courses with hopes of having off on Fridays (I think it was a success!)

2. Participated in a home stay weekend in Woking, a town about 20 miles outside London, where I stayed with a cute British woman who cooked us homemade dinners (totally cool because my cooking skills are limited)

3. Visited Windsor Castle! But missed out on the Queen and those 2 cute grandsons of hers :)...maybe next time

4. Went to a club called 333 and had a great time! The DJ played a perfect mix of stuff I could recognize and easy-to-dance-to techno/dance music. Jay-Z's "Empire State of Mind" is even better when it comes on outside the U.S.

5. Walked and walked and walked around London, which really, I've grown to love and makes me feel better about not joining a gym while I'm here

6. Made a trip to Piccadilly Circus, where a student ID gets you in for free at the Sports Club on Tuesday nights (good deal, right?). The music was seriously awesome, and it was fun, but it was entirely too American for me. I'm here to experience London, and although the Sports Club was a good time, it wasn't anything I couldn't find back at home.

7. Went to the theatre but couldn't appreciate it as much as I would have liked because I was still majorly jet lagged. I can't wait to go back!

8. Planned and made a weekend trip to Paris, which deserves its own post, so stay tuned!

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