Thursday, April 15, 2010

They Say Time Flies When You're Having Fun...

With only 9 days, yes I repeat, only 9 days left in the UK, I got to thinking...


- Being in a HUGE city. The ridiculous size of London means all your desires are right at your fingertips.

- The fabulous shopping. Oxford and Bond Streets, Harrods, and beyond- anything you could ever want is here.

- The tube!! After mastering how to transfer from one line to another, I started to love the tube. It's SO easy to use and can take you anywhere in London.

- My friends :(. One of the coolest things about my program is people came from literally all over the States -- Chicago, L.A., St. Louis, DC, Seattle, and more, so coordinating a reunion somewhere in the middle will be a must!

- The rich history. It seems like there's a story here for every building and every street. Since the USA is so young compared to England, we don't have as much history.

- The fun markets. I loved being able to get up on a Saturday or Sunday morning and explore Portobello or Spitafields, and I still have yet to hit Brick Lane. The markets have such unique things I'll never be able to find anywhere else.

- The ease of traveling to the rest of Europe. Ryan Air, EasyJet, EuroStar-- amazing! To be able to go to Italy, Spain, France, or anywhere in Europe for the weekend in no more than 3 hours for a really cheap price is unbelievable.

- Incredible Nightlife. I wish I had a few months just to dedicate to this! There is something for every mood and event. Want a relaxing night?--Go to one of the million pubs. Want a fist-pumping night?--Go to a Euro-style club like Ministry of Sound or Fabric. Feeling homesick and want to surround yourself with American people/music?--Go to a place like Sports Cafe. Want a place with great music and no cover charge where you can dance the night away?--Go somewhere like the Rocket. You get the idea. I could go on forever!

- How easy it is to hail a taxi in under 5 minutes. Besides the fact that this form of transportation can clear out your wallet in 15 minutes, it was so nice to never have to wait to get home whenever I wanted.

-The impossibility of running out of things to do. I think Bethlehem should be re-named on the map as Boredom, PA. It's going to be a real shock to return from having endless options on any given day to having to search for ways to be entertained.

- Walking EVERYWHERE. Even though public transportation here is awesome, it was also great to walk around and enjoy the sites when I had the time. At home, the only place I'll be able to walk is to the 7-Eleven 5 minutes away from my house.

- The easiest semester I've ever had (up until the end, that is). I did have to commit to waking up early to intern and going to class, but the workload was very light along the way. Since the education system here is different, they don't really ever have homework. I have to say though, I prefer the American system to this one because your final grade depends on your performance all semester rather than one big final project.

- Being able to jump on a red double-decker bus and sitting on the top level :)
It's just fun!


- The food. Bland and boring I would say is an accurate description. Aside from cultural restaurants like Hi Sushi and Aladin, cuisine is definitely not Britain's forte.

- Bad customer service. Someone please refill my water and bring the check without my having to ask.

- The slow speed...of everything. I didn't realize how quickly I walk until I got here. There's nothing like being stuck behind a slow-walking person, and they all seem to be in London. Also, lines at the grocery store, at an ATM, to get a cup of coffee, etc. move at the speed of the slowest snail on Earth.

- The stupid exchange rate. Wow. This one explains itself, or possibly my bank statement would provide a better description. I'm so over the pound and ready for some dollars!

- All of the obnoxious coins I've accumulated. Give me some $1 bills! The lowest note here is £5, so there are coins for both £1 and £2. This starts to get annoying when I hold up a line because I'm digging around trying to find the right currency!

- My Thoresby House bed. I think everyone in the house would agree with this one! I'm sending Arcadia bills from my massage therapist and chiropractor.

- The lack of sunshine. I never want to see a rain drop or carry an umbrella ever again. Constant overcast, move over! It's time for REAL spring/summer in the U.S. of A.

- Being surrounded by British accents. I know, I know--I couldn't stop saying how I wanted to return home with an accent before I left to come to London. Now that I've been surrounded, it lost its appeal. I'll take good old American Taylor Lautner over Mr. Pattinson any day :)

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